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Showing posts from December, 2017

Divorce and Remarriage

Before 1970 a person had to prove in a court of law that their partner was causing significant harm to the family. If there was no abuse, abandonment, adultery or alcoholism present in the relationship then the court wouldn’t grant the divorce. When a person proved that there was a valid reason for a divorce it made the division of property and the children a clear choice. The children would live with the parent that weren’t at fault for the divorce. The other partner was responsible for paying child support and generally the couple that kept the children also received the majority of the material things. This seemed to work out pretty well. However, in 1970 California passed the no fault act that allowed couples to divorce because they didn’t want to be together anymore. This caused problems on how to divide the material possessions and the who would get custody of the children. In most states the mother will be the one to have custody of the children. The father would then have


What is the purpose of parenting? There are many different purposes for parenting in todays society. The main purpose is to parenting is to provide for the needs of their children. This includes the physical, emotional, and mental needs. Another would be to teach children become better citizens and be leaders. Parents also learn a lot about their children and themselves through parenting.   Michael Popkin teaches people how to parent their children. He said that the purpose of parenting is protect and prepare children to survive and thrive in the world they will live in. This is an interesting way to look at parenting children. Parents are to protect their children from the potential dangers of the world they will grow up in. Children need to be prepared for the situations they will grow up in so that they can become effective leaders in the future. The future of a child is not always set in stone to be successful. Depending on how they are raised will determine if they will