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Showing posts from October, 2017

Transitioning Into Marriage

When does the transition in to marriage began? Some would think that it starts the minute the couple says, “I Do”. However, this is a false thought because the transition starts during the processes of engagement. Engagement is thought to be the trial run of marriage however; the couple still doesn’t live together. So, if the transition starts at the engagement what things need to be talked over and figured out? First, would be all the headache of wedding planning. Both parties and their parents should be involved in the planning. This could be used as a great opportunity for bonding and spending quality time together. Also, the couple must talk about who will be paying for the wedding. This is important so that the couple doesn’t run into problems down the road. Some problems that can arise from the cost of the wedding would be going into debt, the parents thinking they are in charge of what happens at the wedding and much more. Some of these problems can be avoided if there is co

What has dating become?

Dating has become something of the past, which, is sad for future generations. Dating is supposed to be used to spend time with a person so that you can learn the attributes that you would like in a future spouse. Today, that mentality has been completely lost and replaced with just hanging out. I feel that there are a variety of reasons why the thought of dating has changed. I think that young adults view dating as a permanent step into marriage, so they opt to just hang out. Hanging out means just getting together between study sessions or on the weekends with friends. This method of getting to know someone turns into a mess because people only want to be responsible for themselves. Hanging out generally happens with groups of people which doesn’t allow one on one conversation and getting to know one another. So, if hanging out is so bad then why is dating so important. Elder Oaks, a general authority of the Church of Jesus Christ, said that dating should be planned, paid for an

What Gender means in Life

Today I would like to start off with a quote from "Despicable Me 2". Agnus says “Gru I know what makes you a boy.” Gru turns around with concern in his voice asking her how she knows. Agnus answers “Your bald head." This leads me to the thought of what is it that really determine your gender. Agnus from "Despicable Me" used a gender specific trait or the traits that place a person in a gender box. This example is bad because all men are not bald. However, this shows how people generally treat gender traits or qualities. When this happens, it could offend or hurt other people because they could feel missed understood. I would like to show some other gender specific traits. Female: passive, expressive, and social. Male: aggressive, in their own world. Gender is who we are and what we are born with. We are either male or female but I feel that the worlds standards have become confused about how to define it. According to the Gospel of Jesus Christ we know t

Which class is the best?

Social classes and cultural diversity are hot topics when it comes to politics within the United States but what about when it comes to family issues? When thinking of both social classes and cultural diversity a couple of terms need to be defined so that you can better understand how they apply to the family situation. These terms are tradition, ritual, and culture. Merriam Webster Dictionary defines all three as follows 1.        “Tradition: cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions (from one generation to the next)" 2. "Ritual: an act or series of regularly repeated in a set precise manner" 3. "Culture: the set of shared attitudes, values goals, and practices that characterizes an institutions or organization" When we better understand these words then we can see how social classes work, why there is cultural diversity and how to change the outcome of people who want better in life.   So which class do you belong to? Most