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Showing posts from November, 2017

Finances and Families

In today's society it is difficult to achieve the financial stability that most couples desire. I feel like this is because society has become so materialized over the past couple of years. It is difficult to live on a small income because people feel like they need more money to be happier. It is interesting that, so many couples are working full time to care for their families, yet they are losing quality time with their children. Among the Latter-Day Saint community, it is common for mothers to stay home with their children. Even thought Latter-Day Saints community would like to have mothers staying home it is becoming difficult for them to do so. I feel that it is possible for mothers to stay home with their children, while living on the father’s budget. There are a couple ways that a family can make this possible. They are an inventory of needs, have advice from a financial planner, be proactive and make a budget. First, a couple needs to sit down to make an inventory o

Communication and Family Counsels

Many people think they are good at communicating effectively but in reality, we are all terrible at it. Communicating is not just an exchange of word between people. It includes the nonverbal actions, the tone of your voice and of course what is being said. Because, there are so many elements of communication it makes it difficult to relay what you really want to say and really mean. The other reason there is miscommunication is because there are six steps in which thoughts are communicated to another person. This leaves room for lots of mistakes to take place. The sender has a thought or a feeling which is then encoded. While encoding it the sender decides what medium they will use to send the thought (words used, nonverbal, tone, in person, though text ect.). Once it is passed through the medium there can be some static, which are distractions, experiences or the environment that can influence the meaning of the thought. The message must be decoded by the receiver and then acted u

Family Stress and Coping

What is Stress and why is it important in our lives? Stress is strain and tension within our individual lives, but also in the family unit. Stress is a necessary part of our lives. Without it our lives would be easy, with no purpose or things to puss us to be better. Stress is especially important in the family unit because it can help to strengthen every member. When engineers are building bridges, they bundle material that is generally weak together to make it stronger. They then put those bundles under tension or strain to make the bridge function properly. It is fascinating that the bridges need stress to be held together. Another example of necessary stress would be our muscles and bones. First our bodies have a certain amount of stress placed on them from gravity. Along with gravity we can increase the stress by working out. With all this stress and strain placed on our bodies we strengthen our muscles and bones to function at a higher level. With these examples it shou

Sexual Intimacy an Example for the Family

Intimacy is a very controversial topic in today’s society because the majority of people sexualize it. However, intimacy doesn’t just apply with sex. defines intimacy as a close, familiar and usually affectionate or loving personal relationship with another person or group. I like this definition because it shows that intimacy is the small, loving acts of kindness that show affection for someone you love. It is true that deep affection leads to sexual intimacy. Yet in today’s society I feel that the affection and really intimacy is lost to sex being taught as a something so meaningless and just recreational. I would like to talk about how intimacy and sexual intimacy can affect the family. In the book written by Lauer and Lauer the author talks about the different stages of intimacy and how it leads to sexual intimacy. Men and women experience these stages differently because of the difference in hormones, anatomy and even just brain make up. It is these differe